March 16-19
Contact2022 NPS AGENDA
Pre-Recorded Content
NPS Session Recordings
PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Onsite Registration
Conference Sessions
8:00-4:00 pm ET
State Leadership Training Program (In person only)
Location: Mount Vernon
1:00-2:00 pm ET
Quality Association Standards Award Celebration (In person only)
Location: Salon I
2:00-3:00 pm ET
NEDA Meeting (In person only)
Location: Manassas
5:00-6:00 pm ET
First Timer’s Q and A (In person and virtual)
Location: Salon I
Zoom Link:
If this is your first time at NPS, or you have questions about the conference or Hill visits, stop by this informal question and answer session with ACTE’s policy staff. We’ll provide you with all the information you need to navigate the new environment on Capitol Hill and make the most of your interactions with policymakers.
- ACTE Public Policy Staff
6:00-7:00 pm ET
Administration Division Reception (In person only)
Generously sponsored by the ACTE Administration Division and National Council of Local Administrators (NCLA)
Location: Skyview Terrace
*Administration Division Members Only
Sessions must be attended live and will not be recorded or available after the event!
8:00-9:00 am ET
Continental Breakfast & Networking (In person only)
Generously sponsored by SchoolLinks
Location: Arlington Ballroom Foyer
9:00-10:00 am ET
Opening General Session with Keynote Speaker (In person and virtual)
Generously sponsored by SchoolLinks
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
The 2022 National Policy Seminar officially kicks off with a welcome from ACTE Executive Director LeAnn Wilson and an overview of the current political climate. by keynote speaker Reg Leichty, founder and partner of Foresight Law+Policy.
- Sponsor Message: Kurt Beer, District Partnerships, SchoolLinks [Download SchoolLinks Flyer]
- ACTE Update: LeAnn Wilson, Executive Director, ACTE
- Keynote Presentation: Reg Leichty; Founder and Partner; Foresight Law+Policy [Bio]
10:15-11:15 am ET
General Session – Congressional Process and Priorities: Making Sense of Funding and Policy Vehicles (In person and virtual)
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
The COVID-19 pandemic, hyperpartisanship, national security threats and numerous other forces have combined to yield a chaotic political environment. Few bills are moving through “regular order,” making it difficult to predict which proposals have a chance of making it through Congress. This panel of policy insiders will help clarify current congressional priorities, shed light on the outlook for education and workforce policy over the next few months, and share which policy vehicles should be the focus of advocacy efforts.
- Danny Carlson; Associate Executive Director, Advocacy & Policy, National Association of Elementary School Principals [Bio]
- Luis Maldonado; Vice President, Government Relations & Policy Analysis; American Association for State Colleges and Universities [Bio]
- Alex Nock; Principal, Penn Hill Group [Bio]
- Katie Spiker; Managing Director, Government Affairs; National Skills Coalition [Bio]
11:30-12:15 pm ET
Breakout Sessions – Deep Dives on Key Policy Issues (In person only)
Each of these three breakout sessions will provide an in-depth overview of the issues surrounding these ACTE policy priorities, including key bills and congressional activity.
Short-term Postsecondary Programs
Location: Salon I
Providing Pell Grants for students in short-term postsecondary CTE programs is one of ACTE’s top legislative priorities and has seen significant action already this Congress. This session will provide an overview of the current status of short-term Pell proposals, outlook for congressional action and advocacy needed!
- Jennifer Stiddard; Senior Fellow; National Skills Coalition [Bio]
- Zach Curtis; Government Relations Manager; ACTE (Moderator)
WIOA & Apprenticeships
Location: Salon II
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and National Apprenticeship Act are both well overdue for a congressional reauthorization. This session will provide an overview of the current status of these issues, key legislation and how you can get involved in the process.
- Steve Voytek; Policy Advisor; Foresight Law+Policy [Bio]
- Alisha Hyslop; Senior Director of Public Policy; ACTE (Moderator)
Teacher Pipeline
Location: Salon V
The teacher pipeline is a growing concern for many organizations and advocates, and is a particularly acute issue for CTE, where educator shortages existed even before the pandemic. This session will explore areas with federal policymakers could weigh in to help strengthen the pipeline, including current programs and policies and potential new legislation.
- Sarah Pinsky; Director, Policy and State Strategy; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards [Bio]
- Steve DeWitt; Deputy Executive Director; ACTE (Moderator)
11:30-12:15 pm ET
NAAE Breakout Session: Efficient Advocacy for the Agricultural Educator (In person only)
Location: Salon VI
Advocacy doesn’t have to be one more thing on your plate as a teacher! Come learn how you can successfully and effectively advocate without adding more thing to your to-do list. Also be prepared to share your own success stories and tips.
11:30-12:15 pm ET
Breakout Session – Advocating from Distance: Local Strategies to Influence Federal Policymakers (Virtual only)
How can you advocate for federal policy if you aren’t in Washington, DC? This breakout session, targeted toward virtual attendees, will provide tips and strategies for crafting effective advocacy messages and building relationships with your federal policymakers through local and digital grassroots activities.
- Jori Houck, ACTE Media Relations and Advocacy Associate
12:15-1:45 pm ET
Lunch (On your own)
1:45-2:45 pm ET
General Session – Congressional Staff Panel (In person and virtual)
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
During this session, staff working on CTE issues for key committees and Members of Congress will share the latest news from Capitol Hill and their outlook for the rest of this congressional session. NOTE: This session is off the record, please no sharing remarks or posting on social media!!
- Jake Baker; Professional Staff Member (Minority); Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
- Chris Fisk; Professional Staff Member (Majority); Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
- Brittany Matthews; Senior Policy Advisor; Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
- Nick Rockwell; Legislative Director; Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA)
3:00-4:00 pm ET
General Session – Messaging CTE in the Current Political Environment (In-person and virtual)
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
Every advocate faces challenges engaging with policymakers in the current political environment. This session will explore how to ensure the CTE message is heard in the midst of many competing issues, how to connect CTE to the primary issues policymakers are focused on, and how to message to both Democratic and Republican Members of Congress while maintaining strong bipartisan support for CTE.
- Jackie Beckwith; Manager of Advocacy & Government Relations; Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International [Bio]
- Samuel Botts; Chief Operating Officer/Senior Advisor; ASHLIN Management Group [Bio]
- Derrick Figures; Labor and Economic Justice Director; Sierra Club [Bio]
- Mike Matthews; Legislative Director, Community, Economic & Workforce Development; National Association of Counties [Bio]
4:00-4:15 pm ET
Drink Break (In person only)
Generously Sponsored by Forrest T. Jones & Company
Location: Arlington Ballroom Foyer
4:15-5:00 pm ET
ACTE 2022 Legislative Agenda & Hill Visit Preparation (In person and virtual)
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
ACTE policy staff will provide an overview of goals for Hill visits, review key messages and materials for you to deliver to your policymakers, and relay last minute tips for sharing the CTE message in the current political environment.
- Sponsor Message: Fred Wheeler; Assistant Vice President, Forrest T. Jones & Company; Secretary, Trust for Insuring Educators
- ACTE Public Policy Staff
5:00-5:30 pm ET
State Planning Roundtables (In person only)
Location: Salons III and IV
Work with others from your state to finalize Hill visit logistics and details. Leave behind folders will be distributed during this time, and ACTE policy staff will be available to answer any remaining questions. Larger state delegations will have separate rooms:
- Minnesota – Salon I
- Ohio – Salon II
- Oklahoma – Salon V
- Idaho – Salon VI
- Missouri – Rosslyn
5:30-6:00 pm ET
Virtual Hill Visit Preparation Q & A (Virtual only)
Zoom Link:
This online session, led by ACTE policy staff, will provide an opportunity for virtual attendees to ask questions about key issues or the logistics of virtual Hill meetings before the day concludes.
- ACTE Public Policy Staff
Sessions must be attended live and will not be recorded or available after the event!
9:00-4:00 pm ET
Hill Visits (In-person and virtual)
4:00-6:00 pm ET
National Policy Seminar Tour and Reception (In-person only)
Location: 2011 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
Plan on wrapping up your Hill visit day at NPS with this terrific tour and reception arranged especially for you! Join us for an exciting look at one of Washington, DC’s biggest development projects and hear about their anchor tenants’ plans to support CTE. This event will begin with a brief overview of the area Amazon is developing as their new second headquarters (HQ2) with plans to hire 25,000 new employees. We’ll hear about several special programs including their national campaign Amazon Future Engineer, which works with CTE computer science educators, and their Meet an Amazonian program of behind-the-scenes tours, career talks, and real-world learning content. Following the presentation, we’ll have the opportunity to browse through exhibits and enjoy food and beverages.
This special NPS event will be held in an impressive outreach center within a short walk of the hotel. There are a number of restaurants for you to enjoy on your way back to the Crystal Gateway Marriott following the reception. Learn more about National Landing and Amazon HQ2.
7:30-8:30 am ET
Continental Breakfast (In-person only)
Location: Arlington Ballroom Foyer
8:30-11:30 am ET
Special Focus on New Funding Opportunities &
Administration Updates (In-person and virtual)
Location: Salons III and IV
Live Stream Link:
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
ACTE Special Lifetime Achievement Award Recognition
Two key CTE Caucus leaders have announced they are retiring from Congress at the end of this year. Join us to honor Rep. Jim Langevin and Sen. Rob Portman.
- Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI), House CTE Caucus Co-Chair (Via video)
CTE Research Network Update
This update will provide you the latest news and information on useful resources from the federally funded CTE Research Network.
- Kathy Hughes; Director, CTE Research Network; Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Office of Career Technical and Adult Education Updates
Acting OCTAE Assistant Secretary Jen Mishory will provide an overview of the Administration’s priorities around CTE, to be followed by several staff from OCTAE’s Division of Academic and Technical Education providing updates on Perkins implementation and National Programs activities. You will also have an opportunity to provide feedback to OCTAE on a number of Perkins implementation issues.
- Jennifer Mishory, Delegated the Authority as Assistant Secretary for Career, Technical, and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education
- Sharon Lee Miller, Director, Division of Academic and Technical Education, U.S Department of Education
- Robin Utz, Deputy Director, Division of Academic and Technical Education, U.S. Department of Education
- Adam Flynn-Tabloff, Chief, Program Administration and Accountability Branch, Division of Academic and Technical Education, U.S. Department of Education
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Department of Labor and Workforce Development Updates
This session will provide updates from the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration’s Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force (TIATF).
- Angela Hanks; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary; Employment and Training Administration; U.S. Department of Labor
- Brett Levanto; Vice President of Operations; Aeronautical Repair Station Association; Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force Representative
1:30-3:30 pm ET
Northern Virginia Community College Site Visit (In-person only)
Location: 2645 College Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191
Join us to tour the Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) in Woodbridge, Virginia, to learn about the impact of the data center industry on information technology (IT), construction and other thriving sectors in the Northern Virginia area. ACTE is pleased to host this site visit with NVCC and CTE Month-sponsor National Association of Home Builders. The event will include tours of NVCC’s HVAC, non-credit health care and IT programs. This event is open to everyone — National Policy Seminar (NPS) attendees, all ACTE members and CTE professionals — at no cost. Learn more on the ACTE website and sign up here!